PASSIONFLIX brings your favorite romance novels to life!
We’re a premium streaming service offering original movies, series and shorts, adapted from bestselling romance novels, along with an impressive library of your all-time favorite romance classics.
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Since starting in 2017, we have eleven original movies, series and shorts based on romance novels you already know and love, including the below:
- The Matchmaker’s Playbook, adapted from the novel by Rachel Van Dyken
- The Trouble With Mistletoe, adapted from the novel by Jill Shalvis
- Afterburn Aftershock, adapted from the novel by Sylvia Day
- Hollywood Dirt, adapted from the novel by Alessandra Torre
- The Will, adapted from the novel by Kristen Ashley
- Driven, adapted from the novel by K. Bromberg
- A Brother’s Honor, adapted from the novel by Brenda Jackson
- The Protector, adapted from the novel by Jodi Ellen Malpas
Gabriel’s Inferno, adapted from the novel by Sylvain Reynard, releases May 29, 2020!
Founder Tosca Musk, looks to empower women through emotional strength, removing shame from female sexuality, and provide the audience with strong female characters, a rich diversity of stories, and HEAs that will make you come back and again and again.
PASSIONFLIX is $5.99 per month, available online, iOS and Android devices, Apple TV and select Smart TVs.
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